Privacy and Security Policy

Machinery HQ understands that your personal information is private and will treat it with the highest standard of security and confidentiality.  By visiting our website you are accepting the terms of this privacy Policy. As part of the operations of our website we will retain both your personal on non-personal billing address and shipping address and product selection. Credit card information is not collected by us is passed to your payments service provider.

Any personal information submitted to us by you is secured by SSL Security.

Non –personal information – We gather statistical and other analytical information collected on an aggregate basis of all visitors to our website. This Non-Personal Data comprises information that cannot be used to identify or contact you, such as demographic information regarding, for example, user IP addresses where they have been clipped, browser types and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of our website.

We will use this anonymous information in assisting us develop our website to be more user friendly.

We will not supply your personal information to any third party unless it is to fulfil your order. We understand that the information you give us is so your purchases can take place and will treat your information securely, and use only to assist with your order. 

We may use your personal information for the following reasons.

  • Order Fulfilment
  • If there is any enquires on your order or if there is a problem with fulfilling your order.

  • Invoicing/credit notes/statements and general accounts queries

  • If you subscribe to our newsletter

  • Any other relevant business information

  • To facilitate ease of use at Machinery HQ's website by you so you do not have to input all your details again when you re-visit our website.